It's absolutely gorgeous outside, it's sunny, 75 (which for nine o'clock means its going to be a hot day but still) and there is a slight breeze. If only I could spend the day at the beach or just reading by the pool and tanning and (since I don't tan well, aka I feel like I'm burning after two seconds) just reading to my hearts delight. I have work so that isn't going to happen. But if I was free I would probably be reading "Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance" or, possibly my newly acquired book of short stories by F. Scott Fitzgerald.
"Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance" is a book I've started twice. Not because it wasn't good, just because it never seems to end up on my 'summer must read list', so when summer comes around I start going through my list of books and always seem to forget about this one. This is a mistake on my part because this book is really good. I'm only 65 pages in so I don't have that much to judge on but it's very different from what I'm used to ready. Basically, the book is narrated by a man, who is going on a motorcycle trip with his two married friends and his son. The story is about his trip, but also he talks about the different perspectives of life and different ways of approaching life and the things (such as technology) that are part of life. I can't describe much more than that but I can say this book has influenced my way of thinking.
It might be because its the summer and summer is like my New Years day and I make resolutions for summer, or it could be it's just be coincidence but I've started what I call my 'new zen way of thinking". Mostly this entails not stressing as much (ultimate goal to not stress), not worrying about the future, doing things that make me happy, trying new things and not letting one task (like school work) take over my life. Whether or not the book 100% inspired my new thinking, I don't know. But regardless, it made me think about how I go about life, and that, I believe, means its a good book. (oh and it's not really about motorcycle maintenance. Believe me, I'm not a mechanically thinking type of person so if it was I'd be running and screaming the other direction haha).
I'm ever seeking to find new F. Scott Fitzgerald's writings, since I have read all his books and many of his short stories. I found a new book that compiles some of his stories (that I haven't read) and it gives the original scripts (not the ones that were actually found in the Evening Post. I'm ecstatic to read it, though at my current rate of book reading, I won't get to it until August. I already know that I will love the stories because Fitzgerald knows how to write. I may be biased because I've loved his writing since 10th grade but still.
Until next time,
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