Monday, June 24, 2013

Things To Do (Part 1)

Why I've decided visiting my old school's bleachers at night is one of the best things to do when bored.

Yes, there are a few disclaimers. Don't break in. My high school's bleachers are easy to access and don't require finding unlocked doors that are supposed to be locked or jumping over fences. If it's considered trespassing, maybe reconsider. I, personally, think that it's 100% fine to visit the bleachers of your high school or college and one should not get in trouble for doing so. Police might have a different opinion. But really, if you are sober and not vandalizing or causing a noise disturbance, my bet is that the law enforcers (if, for some reason, they decided to patrol bleachers at night...) would just say go home. Also, if it's 'sketchy' or creepy, just be aware of your surroundings.

That being said, I have found a new love of chilling on bleachers at night. I think the original reason I convinced my friends it was fun to hang out at our old high school at night was because it makes me feel like I'm in a movie (like 'Perks of Being a Wallflower' or some 80s movie). And really, who doesn't want to feel like they are in a movie? I mean, it just sounds like something kids who were too-cool-for-school would do. And since I'm the opposite of too cool for school, it's fun feeling like someone else.

It's also something new and different. I live in the suburban part of a metropolitan area (aka outside of a city) and impressively, there is not much to do, especially at night. I feel like that is the case for most "young adults" (yes, I did just called myself a young adult and yes, I am chuckling at how weird that sounds) no matter where you live. So whenever my friends say 'what are we going to do?' I say 'I have an idea!' Granted I will only go with close friends. Currently, the football field at my old high school is being renovated, so pretty much the only thing to do is sit and talk on the bleachers (which, if with the wrong people, can get boring quite fast). If the field wasn't 55% mud right now, I could (and would) act like a five year old and do cartwheels or spin around in circles or just lay on the grass looking at the stars.

But, nonetheless, just sitting and talking is nice. It's a quiet, tranquil setting to either be goofy with my best friends or actually talk about important things. Plus, while I like being around people, sometimes its nice to be somewhere where there are only one or two other people. I have run into a few other people at the bleachers. Most of them were runners doing a late night run around the track, and the others were just groups of high school and early college kids just stopping by for a bit. But for the most part there are none.

I love being outside, but in the summer if I'm not near some source of water I can swim in, I'm usually not a happy camper. It's just too hot and too humid. In addition to my work, I just don't go outside and much as I would like. Bleachers are outside, and at 8 to 12 at night, it wavers between warm and cool, there are no bugs (gnats, mosquitos, etc) and the moon, when not hidden by clouds, is quite pretty.

Oh, and sitting high up in the bleachers is a must.

Until next time,

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