Thursday, June 20, 2013

The Beginning.

From journals to scraps of paper to blogs to school assignments I've written a good portion of my life and thoughts down. But lately, writing has been pretty much nonexistent in my life. Which is, as I am realizing, terrible. On my computer, within the last 6 months I have written barely a poem or two, many two line "hopefully one day" short stories, and reflections about how I need to write more. But between school and, now, work, I'm drained. Writing takes time and thought and energy. After a day of thinking, creating new people and thoughts is, sadly, the last thing my brain wants to do. And if I do  feel the thread of creativity within me, it's usually at 12 am, as I'm about to fall asleep and my computer is shutting down.

But this blog is, hopefully, going to be my reason to write. I shouldn't need one. But, I do. I have until late august (and possibly past that) to simply write whatever comes into my head on a 'daily' basis, with the word daily being lax, because I know with work and attempting to have a social life, my computer doesn't get turned on every day.

So, here's to the beginning. Beginnings are hard. I know from experience  First days of school are often painful. The first few hours of meeting a new person is often awkward (even if you become best friends with them later). The beginning of diets is painful. The beginning days of running after a hiatus is even more painful. Many stories don't get written because that pesky beginning just won't cooperate and sometimes that little mind blank causes one to put down the pen (or close that word document) completely. The point being, we know beginnings are difficult, so why put so much pressure? Especially in writing. We always improve. If you write a mediocre beginning, and then keep going with the story, you come back and fix the first few paragraphs or pages. In a blog, like this, after a few weeks, you just kind of shake your head and laugh at the first few posts. Basically, that's my excuse or reason (whichever you prefer) to not save this as a 'draft' five times, to no really go back and do major edits. I'm just going to write. Since it's past my bedtime (solely mandate by my 6:45 wake up), that may not be the best plan, but nonetheless, I'm sticking to it.

Speaking of beginnings, I've had a lot recently. I just started a new job. Though the commitment was hard to get used to (my first all day, five days a week job), everything else is going well. I've met a lot of people, don't eat lunch by myself (which is always an accomplishment in my book), been on top of pretty much everything, and have embraced my long commute by rolling the windows down, blasting music and belting at the top of my lungs (though my chorus teacher would cringe at notes coming out of my mouth, it's really fun). I honestly think people in the cars around me think I'm nuts because a) I smile the entire drive like a crazy person (unless it's raining, because people do not know how to drive in the rain and that dampers my mood a bit) and b) my mouth is always open so I probably look like a fish. but either way, I love it. Not only have I  gained a new love for the song "american pie", but interspersed with my singing, it's just "me time". I get to think. and think. and think. and there are no interruptions, other than focusing on the road of course. I swear some cars' who's sole goal has to get in an accident because goodness people swerve in and out and don't signal and I could go on but won't. Another new thing is my running, but we won't discuss that either because (currently) it's still a painful exercise that I have to get used to again. I will say one thing, I didn't think I could hate running more than I did at high school track practice but, those initial minutes of running, after getting home from work at 6 and being dead tired, take the cake in my dislike for the sport. I've cut back on facebook, something I should have done a while ago. It's never been a real time sink for me but instead of daily, I check it once or twice a week (not a huge change but it's something). And lastly, going away from processed food. this has been my hardest beginning, I think. Since I'm still attempting it, I'd say yes. I'm making bread over the weekend, and have cut out a major chunk of processed food from my diet. It's hard making your food from scratch but it does taste better.

Well this isn't as long as I would like but the time on my computer screen says I must stop here.

Until next time,

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